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September 2023 Commentator

League Officers:

Co-Presidents: Amy Ipp, Robin Weiss

Treasurer: Debra Schein

Secretary: Robin Weiss

Membership: Amy Ipp

Voter Service: Judith Friedman


  • September 6, 2023, Meeting to formulate Candidates Night Questions, Zoom, 7:30 PM. Link:

  • September 7, 2023, Town Council Meeting, Proclamation Presentation to our League and the National Council of Jewish Women for our work on National Voter Registration Day.

  • September 18, 2023 Voter Registration at NJIT in Newark, 9:30- 12 PM

  • September 19, 2023, National Voter Registration Day, Voter registration at the Livingston Library, 12 PM to 3:30 PM. Voter Registration at the Welcome to Livingston Event, Livingston Senior and Community Center, 204 Hillside Avenue, Livingston, NJ 5:30-7:30 PM

  • September 23, 2023, Youth Appreciation Family Festival Day, Livingston Oval. 10 AM to 3 PM Voter Registration and Education

  • September 27, Board of Education Candidates Night, Livingston Community Center, 7:30 PM

President's Message:

We have a busy year planned and a September chock full of activities. On September 6th, we will meet via Zoom to formulate questions for our two Candidates Nights. Come with your ideas for what you would like the candidates to address.

The Board of Education Candidates Night will be on September 27th at the Livingston Community Center. Laurie Babij and Susan Cai will be the timekeepers and Catherine Kazan of the Wayne League of Women Voters will moderate. The Essex County Commissioner, District 4 Candidates Night will be on October 4th at the Livingston Community Center. Laurie Babij and Amy Schonhaut will be the timekeepers and Catherine Kazan of the Wayne League of Women Voters will moderate. We anticipate the broadcast of these events on LTV and on Facebook.

The Livingston Town Council is issuing a Proclamation at its September 7th Meeting to our League and to the National Council of Jewish Women (with whom we are partnering on National Voter Registration Day) in support of our September 19th voter registration activities. We would like to see as many of you as possible at this event to show your support and so that we can take a picture to put on our new website and use for other publicity. The website committee, especially Nishna Makala, have been hard at work developing a new website for our league. It is not finished, but you can preview it at


We will be sending dues notices by email this year. We have opened a PayPal account so that you will be able to pay online. You will still be able to submit checks if you wish.

Voter Service:

WE NEED ALL HANDS ON DECK. As you can see on the calendar, we have an ambitious voter registration program this month. We will need volunteers to help with these efforts, even if you can give an hour here and there. The State League has asked us to help, along with other area leagues, to register voters at NJIT in Newark at 9:30-12 on September 18th. We will provide details as we get them. On September 19, National Voter Registration Day, we have a double-header, registering voters at 12-3:30 at the Livingston Library and from 5:30 to 7:30 at the Welcome to Livingston Event at the Senior and Community Center. The latter event usually attracts large crowds who need to change their voter registrations. On September 23, we will have a table at the Youth Appreciation Family Day at the Livingston Oval. This event also attracts a sizeable crowd. If you can help at any of these events, please email us at or call Robin Weiss at 973-992-0324 and let us know which event and for how many hours so that we can set a schedule. We also plan to register voters at the Care One senior facility and at Inglemoor Rehabilitation Facility this month and will need assistance with this. We will let you know the dates when they are established.

Judith Friedman and Robin Weiss registered voters at Sunrise Senior Living and Brandywine Assisted Living. Since many of the residents had moved there recently, they had to change their voter registrations and were unable to do so on their own. We also registered voters at the National Night Out held at the Oval on August 1, 2024. Quite a few students who had just turned 17 and thus were eligible to register did so.

The following are the dates to remember related to voting:

October 17, 2023: Voter Registration Deadline (by mail or online). Form must be postmarked by this date.

October 28 - November 5, 2023: In-Person Early Voting. Polls will be open from 10 am - 8 pm weekdays and Saturdays, and from 10 am - 6 pm on Sundays.

October 31, 2023: Vote-By-Mail Application Deadline (by mail). Application must be received by the County Clerk by this date.

November 6, 2023: Vote-By-Mail Application Deadline (in-person). Applications are due by 3 pm on November 6 at the County Clerk's office.

November 7, 2023: 2023 New Jersey General Election Day. Polls will be open from 6 am - 8 pm.

Program Planning:

We have an exciting year ahead planned. At our Program Planning meeting, we developed the following tentative schedule for our 2023-24 programs:

September 6, 2023, Formulate questions for Candidates Nights and West Essex Tribune

September 27, 2023, Board of Education Candidates Night

October 4, 2023, Essex County Commissioners, District 4 Candidates night

November 15, 2023, Community Forum on Development in Livingston

December 13, 2023, Holiday Party, Speaker on Livingston Library

January 17, 2024, Meet the Mayor

February 25, 2024, State Program Consensus

March 20, 2024, Program on Abortion/ Menstrual Equity

April 17, 2024, Program on Climate Change

May 15, 2024, Anti-bias and Hate Crimes

June 26, 2024, Annual Meeting

Treasurer’s Report

Our VALLEY BANK balance as of August 31, 2023 is $2,217.12 and the CD is $5,558.82.


Livingston League of Women Voters

Livingston League of Women Voters is a chapter of the national League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. We are committed to making democracy work for all citizens.

We strive to empower citizens to shape better communities worldwide and provide information on voting rights, public policy issues, and more. Our work is rooted in principles of self-government and we are dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality. Join us today to help make a difference in our democracy.

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